Categorie: DevOps

Moving to Kubernetes in an easy way: Konveyor!

Moving to Kubernetes in an easy way: Konveyor!

Konveyor is a community of people passionate about helping others modernize and migrate their applications to the hybrid cloud by building tools, identifying patterns, and providing advice on how to break down monoliths, adopt containers, and embrace Kubernetes. Do take a look at their powerful tools to see if you can benefit from them: …

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DevOps Metrics and KPIs

DevOps Metrics and KPIs

The modern era of end-to-end DevOps calls for the careful integration of key performance indicators (KPIs). The right metrics can ensure that applications reach their peak potential. A nice overview of useful DevOps Metrics:

DevSecOops – Stories of DevSecOps Failures and Success

DevSecOops – Stories of DevSecOps Failures and Success

A presentation by Abhay Bhargav on improving application security, making a ‘shift-left’ possible, by supporting developers with security expertise and integrated services. Security engineering, decentralising security, Secure API design, story-driven agile threat models, celebrating failures and more. You can find it here: