Maand: januari 2018

SWARMing: Scaling Without A Religious Methodology

SWARMing: Scaling Without A Religious Methodology

The most successful transformations I have experienced—the ones where you walk into the office and there is a tangible difference in the energy and interactions between people, where the commercial and management stakeholders are as excited and invested as the technology stakeholders, where everyone agrees on the metrics that matter and those metrics are trending …

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Beat Generosity Burnout

Beat Generosity Burnout

Selflessness at work leads to exhaustion — and often hurts the very people you want to help. Here’s how to share your time and expertise more effectively. Beat Generosity Burnout at Harvard Business Review.

Meltdown and Spectre Linux Kernel Status

Meltdown and Spectre Linux Kernel Status

Intel says its security updates will make 90% of modern PCs and phones IMMUNE to bugs that could expose billions of people’s private data to criminals (but experts warn the flaws are ‘unfixable’) A great read on the Meltdown and Spectre security flaws. Through the Linux Kernel Monkey Log. Some more explanation on the topic: …

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Containers are not VMs: Building Healthier Containers

Containers are not VMs: Building Healthier Containers

A great read on building and utilising containers. Topics that are discussed: How containers, as we know them, came to exist Major differences between containers and virtual machines Examples of how to build minimal containers Demystifying the scratch container Examples of how to debug running containers using other containers Benefits of minimal containers Tools that …

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